
Illness Policy

A sick student may not return to school until 72 hours after he/she is free of fever or 36 hours for other symptoms without the aid of medication. If in doubt, it is best to keep your student home. This is for the protection of your student as well as the rest of the school.  

Report an Absence
All absences will be unexcused until an online absence form has been submitted. MRA requires all work to be completed and brought back to class upon return from the absence. For each excused absence, one day of grace is given on homework that is due upon returning. However, remember that your student’s class is moving forward and this work may be pertinent to their studies. Unexcused absences will be assessed normal late penalties, including zeros for classes that do not allow late work.

Attendance, Absences, and Makeup Work
Students must attend each course’s scheduled classroom sessions. Students should not be absent more than the following:
Two days per semester for a one day a week course
Four days per semester for a two day a week course
Students failing to meet the attendance requirements may not receive credit for the course or advance to the next course in a prerequisite sequence. In addition, students failing to meet the attendance requirements may not be eligible for re-enrollment the following school year.
(Not Applicable to Covid Exposure/Illness)

Full tuition is due whether a student is present or not.  There are no refunds or discounts due to absences.  Please understand that we can make no exceptions.