
Courtney Johnson


This class is for middle school and high school girls who are new to ballet or have had some previous ballet. It covers basic positions, steps, and combinations at the barre and center floor. The second semester will mainly center on learning a dance for the spring Night to Remember.


This class will meet once per week. Homework is minimal and may include practicing the performance piece at home with a video.




Grades will consist mostly of participation and preparedness (wearing the appropriate dance attire).

Level of Parental Involvement
M,W,F work

Middle School:
3 hours independently per day, 2 hours working with a parent per day

High School:
5 hours independently per day, 1 hour working with a parent per day



  • Dress Code -Each student will need to wear:
  • MRA dance t-shirt (provided)
  • Black leggings
  • Pink leather ballet shoes (can be purchased at any Dance Store. Do not buy the ones that look like house slippers)
  • Cover up when traveling in the building to and from class
  • In addition, some type of bag to keep all of this together is required.
Other Requirements:

Parents are expected to help make sure that the dance bag is packed each night and makes it to school each morning.

Additional courses offered at MRA