Nina Wilhite
This course assumes that God is the creator of all life and will introduce students to the science of biology. Topics to be explored include different classification systems in biology, organic chemistry basics, cell structure, cell functions, genetics fundamentals, ecology, classifying features of organisms, and an introduction of Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution. Latin and Greek Root words will be introduced to enhance scientific studies. This course will have a heavy emphasis on vocabulary and lab work, requiring a significant time commitment from each student.
Biology has a mandatory lab that meets on Fridays.
Class time will consist of class activities, lectures, and labs. Students will maintain their Exploring Creation with Biology Student Notebook along with a Biology folder where they can compile completed tests and other handouts. Homework assignments will come from the textbook and be recorded in the Student Notebook. These will consist of questions which will cement concepts presented, Study Guide Questions (SGQs) to determine knowledge of the material as well as help in preparing for the test. Routine per module reading quizzes will be administered to assess understanding of the text. The amount of time required from week to week will vary based on the ability and age of the student. Expect 45-60 minutes a day on average outside of class time. Expect heavy memorization of biology vocabulary.
Each module will require:
Reading or listening to the module
Completion of Module Study Guide Questions
Lab participation and Lab notes within student notebook maintained
Completion of module TEST.
Tests- 30%
Lab Participation and Reports 30%
Semester Final-30%
Late Work: Please see the family handbook for MRA’s late work policy.
Semester Exams may not be rescheduled. If your student misses a semester exam, whether given in class or on Exam Day, they will not be able to make up the grade and it will be logged as a zero.
Upon successful completion of this course a student will earn 1 Science credit toward graduation.
High School:
5 hours independently per day, 1 hour working with a parent per day
Exploring Creation with Biology by Vicki Dincher, 3rd Edition (Publisher, Apologia Educational Ministries) ISBN 978-1-946506-45-0
1” 3-ring Binder
Folder with brads
Colored pencils
Pens (Black or Blue)
Notebook Paper
Drawing paper
Glue sticks
2 formal lab reports per semester.
Lab attendance and participation
Lab journal updated w/ informal lab details
Module tests during rotating labs
A detailed syllabus will be provided including all due dates.