
Instructor: Jennifer Sands Description: Volleyball is a one day a week class where students will have the chance to learn or improve on their volleyball skills. We will work on passing, setting, and spiking the ball along with playing scrimmages with other students. Students will have no homework. But need to come to class on time dressed in school dress code athletic wear and a bottle of water. Requirements: None Prerequisites: None Grades: Grades: Daily participation – 100% Includes participating, following directions, and attitude.Upon successful completion of this course a student will earn .5 P.E. credit toward graduation.  See All…

Strategic Planning

Instructor: Jan Arbelaez Description: Strategic planning is an important skill all students need to learn as they prepare to be adults. In this class we learn how to assess, think critically, and plan through the use of games, brain puzzles, fun group projects, real world examples, and creative thinking exercises. We will rotate these activities one or two weeks each depending on the amount of time needed.Requirements: Most of this class is student participation. The only homework will be making sure they are properly prepared for class, with the exception of possibly needing extra time outside of class if they…

Event Planning

Instructor: Sarah Money Description: This class is all about how to throw an amazing event. Planning a budget, learning how to schedule a time line for the prep and a time line for the event, invitations, set up/clean up, how to plan menu/food for large groups, lining up speakers and music, photos/videos of the event, tech needed for the event, decorating, etc. Events covered: birthday party, baby shower, bridal shower, graduation, school dances, dinner theatre, gala, fundraiser, 5K run, holiday dinners/parties, etc. Each semester will consist of weekly in class activities. Homework will be minimal, but will consist of completing…


Instructor: Jan Arbelaez Description: In the fall your student will be learning basic fundamentals of drama/acting and getting more comfortable being in front of an audience. We will be learning basic acting techniques, vocal skills, costuming, set design, and some history of theater in both semesters. There may be mini performance opportunities in the fall semester but our main performance will be to present a short drama for the end of the year in the spring semester. All students are required to participate in either acting, costuming, or set design/build for the end of the year performance as this will…

Information Technology

Instructor: Percella Scarpinato Description: This course will prepare students to become comfortable and develop competency with computer technology. Technology is all around us and having skills and shortcut knowledge with keyboards and programs used in many office and school settings will set your student up for success in college and the workforce. This class will have minimal weekly homework that requires students to practice their typing skills as well as put the skills they have learned in class into practice. We will learn how to utilize all the features within Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets. Students will also learn how…

Website Building 101

Instructor: Percella Scarpinato Description: Websites are a necessity in today’s world whether it’s creating a website for blogging, opening an online shop, or having an online upcoming event webpage. Knowing how to get a website started, the ins and outs of how to create it and managing the upkeep cost companies and individuals thousands of dollars every year. This course will teach students every step of website building. Students will learn how to choose a hosting provider, purchase a domain name, the differences between “free” and paid websites as well as actually designing and adding content to each of their…

Self Defense

Instructor: Mike Johnson Description: Active Self-Defense skills such as blocking, striking and defending against grabs will represent the core of this class.  This class will teach the tenets of Taekwondo; Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit.  The workouts will develop your child’s conditioning, strength and flexibility.  Progression in belt rank will be possible through participation in this class.  No free sparring will be allowed in this class.  I like to tell the parents we teach their children not just how to kick and punch but when to kick and punch.  Students may purchase a Gi or wear comfortable clothes….

Old Testament

Instructor: Joseph Dugger Description: This course is an overview of the creation events, the history of the patriarchs, Abraham, and his family, the national of Israel, the giving of the law, the settlement of the Promised Land, the Jewish kings and kingdoms, exile, and return along with the poetic and prophetic material as presented in the 39 books of the Old Testament, including the history, geography, culture and religious life. Students will explore key events from the life of significant figures of the Old Testament along with the theological underpinnings to these events and people. Requirements: Schedule of homework will…

Art Basics

Instructor: Elizabeth Puente Description: This will be a two-semester class in which students will learn basic elements of art in a fun, non-intimidating environment. We will discuss and apply concepts such as line, shape, form, texture, space, color, shading, and blending. Students will also learn principles of design including balance, repetition, contrast, unity, and emphasis. Students will incorporate these artistic techniques as they complete individual and group projects using acrylic paints, water colors, markers, colored pencils, etc. We will explore distinctive applications of artistic expression as seen in various cultures around the world. The goal of this class is to…

Life and Safety Course

Instructor: Stephen Hromcik Description: This course is designed to introduce students to many of the safety hazards and daily challenges they may encounter throughout everyday life. From life threatening emergencies to daily struggles this course will cover many aspects of life we will all face at some point. Throughout the course students will learn both in a traditional classroom setting as well as with exciting hands on skills. Topics that will be covered include emergency skills and life skills. Emergency skills covered: fire safety, 1st aid, CPR, and AED usage. Life skills covered: road safety, fire extinguisher use, basic vehicle…