Advanced Biology

Instructor: Nina Wilhite Description: This course presupposes that God is the creator of all life, the physical world, and designer of the human body. This is an upper-level high school biology course which will explore the eleven systems that comprise the human body, how each system completes its tasks, how each system interacts with other systems, and the efficiency with which each system works. This will be a challenging biology course taught for high school credit with a heavy emphasis on detailed memorization and will require a significant time commitment from each student. It will become profoundly evident that the…

Art Basics

Instructor: Elizabeth Puente Description: This will be a two-semester class in which students will learn basic elements of art in a fun, non-intimidating environment. We will discuss and apply concepts such as line, shape, form, texture, space, color, shading, and blending. Students will also learn principles of design including balance, repetition, contrast, unity, and emphasis. Students will incorporate these artistic techniques as they complete individual and group projects using acrylic paints, water colors, markers, colored pencils, etc. We will explore distinctive applications of artistic expression as seen in various cultures around the world. The goal of this class is to…

Life and Safety Course

Instructor: Stephen Hromcik Description: This course is designed to introduce students to many of the safety hazards and daily challenges they may encounter throughout everyday life. From life threatening emergencies to daily struggles this course will cover many aspects of life we will all face at some point. Throughout the course students will learn both in a traditional classroom setting as well as with exciting hands on skills. Topics that will be covered include emergency skills and life skills. Emergency skills covered: fire safety, 1st aid, CPR, and AED usage. Life skills covered: road safety, fire extinguisher use, basic vehicle…

Flight and Space STEM

Instructor: Nina Wilhite Description: This course with teacher supervision, will help students to explore and release their creative sides while solving real-world problems. Students will explore a wide range of hands-on engineering activities. Requirements: This will be a fun class for students in middle school or high school who have a 1 hour attention span. Students will be required to work in groups, so communication and ability to work well with others is desired. We will work to develop your students’ competencies through hands-on projects covering key science topics such as physical-, life-, earth- and space sciences, engineering and technology….

Dual Credit Intro to Communications COMM1113

Facilitator: Melissa Bryant Fall  Semester Economics will be offered in the Spring Additional cost: $300 LeTourneau University dual credit fee Description: The constitution and structure of the United States government will be emphasized. In addition, forces that impact the federal government’s operation will also be evaluated including the role of the media, the economy, and its global relations. The class will be conducted primarily online through LeTourneau University. In-person meetings at MRA are designed to provide help with organization, allow opportunities for group discussion and support students with individual assistance as needed. (meets one semester two days a week) Requirements:…

Office Assistant

Instructor: Candice Goode Description: This one or two day per week position is geared for students in 8th through 12th grade. This position teaches students leadership skills as well as earns community service hours. Application: Assistants must apply for the position by submitting a letter to the office requesting why they want to have the position with two MRA teacher reference letters, regardless if they have served as an assistant in the past. A formal interview for the position will be scheduled after all documents have been received. Requirements: Potential Tasks Students May Need to Complete:  Make CopiesLearn to make Phone…

Class Assistant

Instructor: Various Description: This one or two day per week position is geared for students in 8th through 12th grade. This position teaches students leadership skills as well as earns community service hours. Application: Assistants must apply for the position by submitting a letter to the office requesting why they want to have the position with two MRA teacher reference letters, regardless if they have served as an assistant in the past. A formal interview for the position will be scheduled after all documents have been received. Requirements: Potential Tasks Students May Need to Complete: Make CopiesTake AttendanceGrade PapersAssist Students…

English 10

Instructor: Courtney Johnson Description: This two day per week class is geared for high school students in 10th through 12th grade. The focus of this class will be on essay writing and analyzing literature. This class is writing-intensive, so we will be building our essay-writing skills including argumentative, literary analysis, and research-based. In addition, we will dive into a variety of classic selections of literature from around the world, and learn about literary devices, elements of plot, figurative language, themes, symbols, characterization, and more. The focus of this class is to prepare students to take dual credit English the following…

World Geography

Instructor: Laura Goin Description: We will utilize a colorful, engaging text and other resources to learn about a variety of topics including continents and landforms, climate zones, flora and fauna, oceans, wind and weather, rivers and lakes, populations and cultures. Requirements: Students are expected to abide by school and class rules, participate and stay on task, produce their best work and honor deadlines. I do not accept late work except on the basis of an excused absence. Student work must be neat and legible. Prerequisites: Reading and writing proficiency; commitment to meeting the demands of a high school level, college preparatory…

World History

Instructor: Laura Goin Description: What was everyday life like for the ancient Egyptians? What strategies did Greek and Roman soldiers utilize in war? How did Christianity spread throughout the Western world and beyond? What inventions did ancient China contribute to the world? What was the significance of the French Revolution? The Russian Revolution? What was life like for a world at war? We will find the answers to these and other questions through a variety of class activities including informal debates, simulations, projects, slideshows and games. Requirements: Students are expected to abide by school and class rules, participate and stay…