Information Technology
Percella Scarpinato

This course will prepare students to become comfortable and develop competency with computer technology. Technology is all around us and having skills and shortcut knowledge with keyboards and programs used in many office and school settings will set your student up for success in college and the workforce. This class will have minimal weekly homework that requires students to practice their typing skills as well as put the skills they have learned in class into practice. We will learn how to utilize all the features within Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets. Students will also learn how to access and use the settings on their email and computer accounts, as well as some HTML basics. (meets one day a week)
Students will be online for this course and should have proper monitoring of online activity at home.
Grades will be assessed through class participation and homework completion.
Level of Parental Involvement
High School:
5 hours independently per day, 1 hour working with a parent per day
Access to Computer with WIFI
Gmail Account
Typing Acount TBD
Personal Laptop for use in class (not provided)