Jennifer Sands
This is a history course that allows us to see God’s ongoing purpose and plan while covering world history, people and events during the time period: 1790-1955. In this course students will discover politicians, generals, artists, musicians, inventors and missionaries. See how God’s redeeming love works through His people during one of the most trying times in world history. Students will have the opportunity to choose specific learning activities and creatively share what they have learned plus listen to audio recordings. This curriculum provides a broad variety of opportunities for pursuing information based upon a student’s learning styles and interests. (meets two days a week)
Have a good work effort, work ethic and always do your best.
Students will be graded on homework, class participation and Thursday classwork.
Late work will only be accepted on the basis of a valid excused absence from a parent.
Middle School:
3 hours independently per day, 2 hours working with a parent per day
Ancient Civilizations and the Bible
Student Manual ISBN: 13 978-1-60092-170-4