Language Arts 3 Block
Shannon Rosales
This course will cover all components of Language Arts: reading, writing, spelling, and grammar. Reading will be emphasized and celebrated; literary elements will be presented and evaluated in quality literature. Writing will be taught and practiced using curriculum from the Institute for Excellence in Writing with the addition of writing prompts and graphic organizers. The spelling and grammar components will be taught through the Logic of English curriculum which introduces phonograms, spelling rules, and grammar in such a way that students will better understand the how and why of the structure of the English language.
This class will meet twice a week for the duration of two hours each meeting. Homework, which will be assigned each class period, will vary in length and type. Some homework will be completed at home using online resources such as Raz Kids and Spelling Stars. Other homework will be returned to the teacher by the next class meeting. In addition to assigned homework, students should be reading daily and always practicing their phonograms, spelling rules, and vocabulary. Tests and quizzes will be administered throughout the year.
Your child must meet a 3rd grade reading level on MRA’s reading assessment in order to register for this class.
Parents new to elementary Language Arts at MRA must view a mandatory orientation video where the philosophy and teaching style of the curriculum, The Logic of English, will be explained.
See Family Portal
Level of Parental Involvement
2 hours independently per day, 3 hours working with a parent per day
The Logic of English Essentials 1-7 Student Workbook
ISBN: 978-1-942154-35-8
The Logic of English Essentials 8-15 Student Workbook
ISBN: 978-1-942154-36-5
Above workbooks available from
Bible Heroes Writing Lessons in Structure and Style
ISBN: 978-1‐62341‐117‐6
Available from
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (The Chronicles of Narnia)by C. S. Lewis (used, new, or borrowed from library) for Spring Semester
Recommended Resources:
Essentials 1-7 Answer Key
Essentials 8-15 Answer Key
Available from
- 2” 3-ring binder
- 5 dividers
- Notebook paper
- Pencil pouch
- Pencils
- 2 Thin dry erase markers
- Scissors
- Colored pencils
- Highlighter
- Glue sticks
Other Requirements:
Reinforce all material taught in class and teach additional material when provided and instructed by the teacher.
Ensure that your child reads for 20 minutes four times a week.
Practice the Fabulous Phonogram Flash Cards and spelling rules with your child weekly.
Ask questions when there is any confusion about the material being taught and check RenWeb faithfully.
Double check to ensure that all homework is completed by the due date.
In the case of your child’s absence, you are responsible for instructing your child concerning any missed information.