Laura Goin
This discussion and activity-based course will focus on a variety of themes including resilience, perseverance, justice, human dignity, work, and tradition through a study of the novels listed below, plus various essays, speeches and short stories provided in class.
Students must commit to reading the books by set deadlines and actively participate in class discussion. Students are expected to stay on task and produce their best work. Note-taking is required and will be essential to success on the final exams. Handwritten work must be neat and legible. All homework will be submitted in class, as I do not accept work via email. Late work will not be accepted except on the basis of an excused absence.
Student must be in 11th or 12th grade and be committed to meeting the demands of a high school level, college preparatory class.
Grades will be based on class work, homework, class work, content tests and the final exam. Upon successful completion of this course student will earn 1 English credit toward graduation.
High School:
5 hours independently per day, 1 hour working with a parent per day
1984, by George Orwell
The Good Earth, by Pearl S. Buck
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
Doctor Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens
The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien
1” Binder or folder
Notebook paper
Sharpened pencils
Pencil sharpener
Access to computer and printer at home
Dividers and hole punch helpful but not required
Stay informed. Help student with time management. Monitor their progress.
Communicate. Ask your child questions about what they are reading/learning.
Encourage. Model a positive attitude about learning and reading, even when it is challenging.