Martial Arts
Mike Johnson

Active Self-Defense skills such as blocking, striking and defending against grabs will represent the core of this class. This class will teach the tenets of Taekwondo; Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit. The workouts will develop your child’s conditioning, strength and flexibility. Progression in belt rank will be possible through participation in this class. No free sparring will be allowed in this class. I like to tell the parents we teach their children not just how to kick and punch but when to kick and punch.
Participation only
Level of Parental Involvement
Elementary:2 hours independently per day, 3 hours working with a parent per day
Kicking Techniques for Competition and Self-Defense; Roy Kurban ISBN-13 : 978-0897500654
Students may purchase a Gi or wear comfortable clothes.
Other Requirements:
Class Associations: This class will be associated with the Texas Black Belt Academy in Arlington, TX. They will be allowed and encouraged to attend additional voluntary classes on Saturday mornings at 10:00 AM. Other classes on Saturdays could become available as they progress in rank.