
Leilanni Jones 


This course will provide a complete math program for 5th grade. Concepts covered will include: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, problem solving, decimals, fractions, and geometry. The students will be provided with concrete, pictorial, and abstract methods as well as the necessary learning experiences to enable them to learn mathematics meaningfully. 




Your child must have either passed MRA’s 4th grade mathematics class or have met expectations on an entrance assessment in order to register for this class. 


Students will be graded on homework completion, weekly math facts completion, participation in class discussion, in-class quizzes, and at-home tests. 

Level of Parental Involvement
M,W,F work


2 hours independently per day, 3 hours working with a parent per day


Math Mammoth Grade 5-A worktext (color version) Maria Miller

ISBN 9781954358232 

Lulu Color spiral-bound version (2023 edition)

*This is a different version from what’s been used in the past. 

Math Mammoth Grade 5-B worktext (color version) Maria Miller

ISBN 9781954358249

Lulu Color spiral-bound version (2023 edition)

*This is a different version from what’s been used in the past. 

  • Plastic/Poly Folder with pockets and brads 
  • Sharpened Pencils 
  • Erasers 
  • 2 Dry Erase Markers (Thin) 
  • Notebook Paper 
  • Composition Notebook
Other Requirements:

Students will be expected to participate in class discussions, stay on-task, turn in assignments on time and work diligently on math facts each week. Students will be graded on homework completion, weekly math facts completion, in-class quizzes, and at-home tests. 

Parent Role: Parents/Guardians are considered co-teachers for this class in order to help the student succeed. They will be responsible for monitoring RenWeb/Facts and emails to keep up with current assignments, helping re-explain concepts as needed, checking the homework with provided answer keys, holding the student accountable for completing assignments on time and well, and monitoring the student’s academic progress.

Additional courses offered at MRA