Old Testament
Joseph Dugger

This course is an overview of the creation events, the history of the patriarchs, Abraham, and his family, the national of Israel, the giving of the law, the settlement of the Promised Land, the Jewish kings and kingdoms, exile, and return along with the poetic and prophetic material as presented in the 39 books of the Old Testament, including the history, geography, culture and religious life. Students will explore key events from the life of significant figures of the Old Testament along with the theological underpinnings to these events and people.
Schedule of homework will be on the syllabus that is given before the beginning of the semester. Expect a minimum of two hours of bible reading assignments a week. Students 9th grade and up will have additional homework requirements, and will earn a half credit in bible or electives.
Students must be at a 6th grade level in reading and writing and must be willing to commit to the reading this class requires.
Late work will only be accepted based on a valid, pre-discussed excused absence. Upon successful completion of this course a student in grades 9th-12th will earn .5 Bible credit toward graduation.
Level of Parental Involvement
High School:
5 hours independently per day, 1 hour working with a parent per day
The Holy Bible
1” 3-ring binder*
Notebook paper
*May share space in a multiclass binder.
Other Requirements: