
Nina Wilhite


This rigorous high school course introduces the student to physics-learning about the nature and properties of matter and energy that makes up God’s creation and how the two interact. Topics covered will include motion in one and two dimensions, Newton’s laws, circular motion and gravity, work and energy, momentum, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.
Physics ONLY meets on Fridays.


Our class time will consist of both lecture and science labs and projects, which enriches the learning experience by supporting the concepts studied. Students will be maintaining a binder with all returned homework assignments and tests. In addition, students will be keeping an interactive science notebook for notes, labs, handouts and class activities. Many homework assignments will come from the textbook, these will consist of “On You Own” questions that will cement concepts presented, along with review questions and practice problems to determine knowledge of the material as well as help in preparing for the tests. In addition, students will submit lab reports for most experiments. The amount of time required from week to week will vary however, expect 60 minutes a day on average outside of class time. Tests will be completed outside of class-time, in an official Matthew Road Academy study hall or other designated time.


Concurrent enrollment in or completion of Algebra II; Completion of Chemistry.


Homework and formative assessments: 10 %
Class work and participation: 30 %
Lab Reports, Projects and Tests: 30 %
Semester Final: 30 %

Upon successful completion of this course, a student will earn 1 science credit toward graduation.

Level of Parental Involvement
M,W,F work

High School:
5 hours independently per day, 1 hour working with a parent per day


Exploring Creation with Physics 2nd edition by Dr. Jay Wile, (Apologia Educational Ministries)


Notebook paper
Pencil pouch
2 Glue sticks
Colored pencils

Other Requirements:

While the goal in high school is for students to become increasingly independent, parents still play a key role.

Additional courses offered at MRA